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Vernon Figure Skating Club


Private Lessons

Vernon Figure Skating Club Coaches each offer Private Lessons. 
Private lessons are one-on-one and are scheduled on Senior Ice times. 
You may talk to each of the  VFSC coaches regarding your skaters needs as each coach has their own coaching style.  Personal fit is very important.
Make sure your coach is available for the sessions your skater is skating, not all coaches work every day.  Scheduling must be arranged directly with the coach.
If you need to make a change,  please contact your Coach directly.
Lessons occur each week on the same day.  Lesson cost vary by coach,  please confirm directly with your coach of choice.
Just as there are no refunds for unused ice time with the club, the same applies to your booked private lessons.
Semi-Private, and Group lessons may also be scheduled.

The cost of the Senior Ice Session is IN ADDITION to the Coaching Fee.
You must pay for BOTH the ice time and your coaching time.
Private lessons at the Primary and Intermediate levels are optional.  However, the addition of private lessons becomes mandatory for skaters skating on Senior Ice time, and who plan on attending competitions with a program Star 2 and above.  These skaters must hire a private coach for at least 1 ten minute lesson per week, to prepare for the competition. 



Competition Coaching Fees;

It is customary for a skater's coach to be onsite at competitions. Parents are not permitted rink side or in the dressing rooms at any competition.

The coaching fee for competitions is $50.00 for each event within a competition

These fees are in addition to the cost of the registering for the competition.

  •   Any competition may require meal reimbursement.
  •   A loss of income fee may be added to the competition coaching fee per skater per day when the competition schedule conflicts with the coaches work schedule.
  •   Competitions taking place outside Vernon will require travel reimbursement.
  •   Competitions taking place outside Vernon may require hotel reimbursement.
  •   All fees are due 30 days after the competition invoice.
  •   Competition entries for skaters that do not have lessons scheduled weekly leading into a competition will only be eligible to enter into the elements categories.
  •   Occasionally, when your Coach is unavailable for a competition, they may partner with another coach to stand in for them. Payment would then be invoiced by the coach who stood in for them.